You are welcome & thanks for your kind comment.I discovered your blog in a ’round-about’ way…while streaming Al Jazeera news, was an item on Mongolia’s emerging greenhouse vegetable growers. As a former grower, I’m keenly interested plus Mongolia is one of those places that, well, you described the apprehension so well I needn’t dwell. I Googled Mongolia Green Box; after reading scads on the subject, clicked on your site…voila! Your descriptive style is wonderful. My ‘traveling cat’ has much more of the world yet to see!
Thank you for dropping a line on
This has allowed me to discover your super cute cartoons!
You are welcome & thanks for your kind comment.I discovered your blog in a ’round-about’ way…while streaming Al Jazeera news, was an item on Mongolia’s emerging greenhouse vegetable growers. As a former grower, I’m keenly interested plus Mongolia is one of those places that, well, you described the apprehension so well I needn’t dwell. I Googled Mongolia Green Box; after reading scads on the subject, clicked on your site…voila! Your descriptive style is wonderful. My ‘traveling cat’ has much more of the world yet to see!